Client: Baroque Ikebana
What: Personal visual photography project
Note: Images displayed here are a fraction of the images in the project.
All images in the project are a frequently posted to Instagram: nicklas.h

Description:The Baroque Ikebana project started when I lived in Shanghai for five years.
I observed the heavy consumption of everyday products without people having recycling or sustainability in mind. When I later moved to Denmark, I saw the same consumption and the frequent use of single use plastic. So, I wanted to make a comment on that but not in a doomsday manner or by telling people what to do. Instead, I wanted to make something beautiful with the everyday trash/objects we take for granted.
I have always been inspired by the Baroque art era and later the Japanese art form Ikebana. The Baroque paintings are "more is more" - food, textile, flowers, animals etc. There are always dramatic lighting and hidden meanings. Ikebana is the opposite. It is the minimalistic and respectful use of flowers and life. By combining these two art expressions I created my own world with my own rules. Every image must have these three elements: something manmade, a plant and something you can eat or drink.

Just like the Dutch masters I highlight specific parts of the images. This is done through collages with 20 to 70 images. All to enhance different structures, objects and colors. Images with moving elements, such as smoke, candles and liquid require the most images.” - extract from interview in "TMM India"

Articles about the project: TMM India / METAL / TvåDagarKaltblut / Plain  / Gestalten / XXZ

Free Wallpapers: nicklas.h / Instagram is the main platform for this project. There you can also find all images as Wallpapers - in saved moments. Download as many as you like.
Please DM me on Instagram a screenshot when you are using it.

1: Exhibition 21st of September 2019 
2: Exhibition 10th of April 2019 

Monochrome: This series is a experiment in using only one colour as a base and building a world/set around that. When they were shared online Instagram GIFs was added on top of every image.

Monochrome + GIF: The visual platform for the project is Instagram so I used the tools that was provided and did a GIF version of the monochrome series.

Monochrome + Augmented Reality: All images a meant to be viewed digitally, and by AR it is possible to move the still life out in the real world. They are now also able to be viewed in any setting all around the world..

Reflection: Like visuals on gamecards where the images are flipped and are almost the same, this series explores the reflective world.

Behind the scenes

All the Baroque Ikebana images are photographed at the exact same location in my house in Haslev, Denmark. Just like the Dutch master I use one main light source. I then move around an external light to highlight different texture and objects.All images are collages of 20 - 70 images that are morphed together to look like one single perfect capture.